Do you offer sponsorship packages?2024-02-28T14:56:28+00:00

Yes, we do!  You can find more info on our sponsorships here.

Contact Travis Bishop at BishopsEvents@yahoo.com for more info.

Do you have time limits for your races?2022-10-24T17:27:28+00:00

We do have some time limits for our longer events.  Please check the specific event pages to find any time limit info (usually under “Race Start Times”).

What are the perks of running so many Bishop’s Events races?2022-01-01T01:46:29+00:00

We want to promote a healthy lifestyle and a fun, competitive race series for runners of all abilities.

TWENTY RACES – Invite to our free series lunch in January

TWENTY-FIVE RACES – Free lightweight running jacket

THIRTY RACES – Entered into a raffle for one of ten gift certificates to be used towards one apparel item valued at $80 or under from Georgetown Running or VA Runner.

THIRTY-FIVE RACES – Entered into a raffle for one of ten gift certificates to be used towards a custom fitting for a free pair of shoes valued at $160 or under from Georgetown Running or VA Runner.

FIFTY RACES – One free month of FinalSurge Coaching.

SEVENTY-FIVE RACES – Small Commemorative Item

ONE HUNDRED RACES – Large Commemorative Item

Do you have cash prizes?2020-01-08T21:05:33+00:00

Yes, we do with our race series. At the end of the year, our series winners receive cash prizes and a free invite to our company’s lunch in January.

What if there is inclement weather?2020-01-08T21:05:56+00:00

We make a final decision on a race the day before the event. We do our best to host every event on schedule as planned. In the case of weather that prevents us from hosting the event, we will email the list of registered runners.

Does every race have a finisher medal?2020-01-08T21:06:17+00:00

Yes, they do! We know runners love the bling!

What type of event shirts do you offer?2020-01-08T21:06:33+00:00

We offer technical shirts at our events. For the kids, we offer cotton shirts.
See our sizing guidelines (used for a majority of our events)

Is there some package deal I can purchase for multiple events?2022-07-05T18:12:55+00:00

You can find these packages here:

Five 5k Race Package
Five 10k Race Package
Three Half Race Package

ALL t-shirt rules still apply for EACH individual race.  If you register 12+ days in advance for each individual race, your shirt will be guaranteed.  If you wait until the last week, your shirt will still be first-come, first-served.

What is the Back of the Pack Series?2020-01-08T21:07:12+00:00

The Back of the Pack Series is new for 2018. We’re all runners, no matter how fast we are and we want everyone to have a chance to shine.

In the Back of the Pack series points will be awarded:
– For the first Male and Female over an 11min pace for an event under a 10k (6.2 miles),
you will receive 20 pts. 2nd place will receive 19 pts, 3rd = 18 pts, etc.
– For the first Male and Female over a 12min pace for 10+ mile events,
you will receive 20 pts as well. 2nd place will receive 19 pts, 3rd = 18 pts, etc.

Do you have parking at your events?2020-01-08T21:07:47+00:00

Yes, we do. Each of our events is within a short walking distance, if not directly on-site.

Do you offer race timing or other race management services?2020-01-08T21:08:04+00:00

Yes, we do. We love to help the running community provide quality events at reasonable prices.
You can contact Travis at BishopsEvents@yahoo.com for more information.

How do I get entered into a race series?2020-01-08T21:10:07+00:00

Runners are automatically entered into our race series upon completing an event. The top of the registration page will mention which series the points will count towards.

How do I get points?2020-01-08T21:10:36+00:00

Runners are given points based on their finishing place by gender.
1st = 20pts, 2nd = 19pts, 3rd = 18pts, … 18th = 3pts, 19th = 2pts, 20th & after = 1pt.

Can my points count to multiple series?2023-01-11T12:55:32+00:00

Points will go to one of the five year-long series (5k, 10k, Endurance, Back of the Pack, & Kids).  Points will also go to one of the seasonal/special series (Sippin’ Series, Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall).
For example, if you finish a 5k, your points will go to the 5k Series OR the Back of the Pack Series (based on pace) AND points will also go to a season/special series.

What is the Sippin’ Series?2020-01-08T21:13:56+00:00

The Sippin’ Series is for our events at wineries, breweries, and cideries. Runners will receive a free tasting or glass after
the event as part of their registration. Points from the Sippin’ Series are SEPARATE from the other series. If you complete a
Sippin’ Series event, it does count towards your yearly event totals (for the free lunch, free running jacket, etc.).
There is no Back of the Pack Series for the Sippin’ Series.

What qualifies me for the Back of the Pack Series?2020-01-08T21:12:06+00:00

The Back of the Pack Series is for runners who average a 11+ minute mile for a 10k and less.
For an event of 10+ miles, the qualifying time is a 12+ minute mile pace.
5k = 34:10, 10k = 68:21, 10-Miler = 2:00:00, Half = 2:37:19

Are there different series within the Back of the Pack Series? (Ex. Back of the Pack 5k vs Back of the Pack 10k)2020-01-08T21:12:27+00:00

There is only one Back of the Pack Series. You can enter a 5k one week and a half marathon the next and those
points will be combined into one total. Offering a Back of the Pack Series for each distance would only complicate
things for the runners. We want to keep this new series, simple and exciting for our runners.

What qualifies a kid for the Kids Series?2020-01-08T21:12:43+00:00

The Kids Series is designed for 1-Mile events for kids 14 & Under.

What about odd distances (7k, 4-Miler, etc.), will they count to a series?2020-01-08T21:13:03+00:00

YES, they will. The 7k & 4-Miler distances will go to the 5k. The 13k & 15k distances will go to the 10k
Series. Anything 10 miles and longer will go to the Endurance Series. The Back of the Pack Series is eligible
for these events as well.

What distance counts to the Endurance Series?2020-01-08T21:13:44+00:00

Any event 10 miles and longer counts to the Endurance Series. We offer Half Marathons, Marathons, 10-Milers
and a 20k within this series.

What is Your Refund/Transfer Policy?2024-11-15T17:01:09+00:00
    • Refunds are not offered for any of our events.
    • In the case that an event is cancelled or postponed, transfers to virtual or future races will be offered.
    • Transfers will be allowed up to 7 days before the event.
    • Transfers can be made to another event or between participant.
    • All transfers will require the runner to pay 25% of the new race registration fee.
    • All transfer will need to occur to an event currently in our system.  We cannot defer to the same event next year, unless it is in our system.  To see a list of events currently in our system, click here.
    • If the transfer deadline has passed, runners are able to switch their races from in-person to virtual.  Virtual runs still count towards the Lifetime and Yearly race totals. There is also an individual Virtual Series Standings as well.  We will mail items to runners.  The deadline to switch from in-person to virtual is on Thursday at midnight (a few days before the race) to be guaranteed a shirt.
      • If after the Thursday deadline, we can always transfer runners to the virtual run and ship them a medal, but we cannot guarantee you will receive a shirt.

    As we transition to hosting all of our events on Chronotrack’s registration site, you will be able to defer or change your race info by following these steps.

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