Our 2019 Virtual Series is for those athletes that cannot make our live events.  Speed does not matter in this series, rankings are based solely on distance.  Most virtual miles run wins the series!  To be included in the series standings, register your virtual run here (you won’t be included in the series unless you do this).  We will update standings as frequently as possible.

Last Updated:  Dec 22, 2019


First Last Miles Races Completed Race
David O’Hearn 167.3 20 HIJMUVbcer8GHJ258JLN
Johnathan Kannady 94.4 16 HIJKLMNRSUVZcevR
Kyle Rogers 84.8 8 xvyDe9EL
Daniel Pazmino 68.2 15 DJLNRUVZcegpqru
Christopher Pearsall 51.7 5 FIJbc
Ryan Swope 49.6 8 Jlceg2FB
George Gillies 31.0 10 BCInqv8cs4
Bryan Browe 29.8 5 FGJLN
Nick Walion 26.2 2 CJ
Jay LeFevre 19.8 2 Se
Aron Borok 13.1 1 y
Kenny Brinker 13.1 1 D
Bradley Burton 13.1 1 M
Marcus Robinson 13.1 1 G
Mitchell Rodgers 13.1 1 L
Jacob Cavinder 6.7 1 S
James Belcher 6.2 1 j
Susan Dutra 6.2 1 I
Scott Geiger 6.2 1 0
Bobby Johnson 6.2 1 K
Michael Monroe 6.2 1 J
Alexander Nagel 6.2 2 y2
Harry Poling 6.2 2 ef
William Pratt 6.2 1 A
Ronald Roades 6.2 1 A
Melvin Roberts 6.2 1 t
Gregory Rouson 6.2 1 H
Elliot Volkman 6.2 1 B
Daniel White 6.2 1 g
Kristopher Wilson 6.2 1 0
Jose Salazar 6.2 2 LM
Andrew Buchholz 3.1 1 A
Stuart Cox 3.1 1 H
Robert Franklin 3.1 1 S
Gerry Griffin 3.1 1 S
PJ Harmer 3.1 1 A
Reggie Harris 3.1 1 C
Aaron HEINRITZ 3.1 1 I
Jerry Holy 3.1 1 g
Tyler Koch 3.1 1 u
Curtis Lamb 3.1 1 v
Jacob Linton 3.1 1 J
Stephen Lippi 3.1 1 v
David Lucas 3.1 1 A
Jay Napigkit 3.1 1 X
Brett Offutt 3.1 1 J
Lee Roy Padgett 3.1 1 C
Roy Perez 3.1 1 u
Yama Qader 3.1 1 j
Nick Reed 3.1 1 t
Steve Rogers 3.1 1 v
Michael Sinks 3.1 1 n
Christoph Stoehr 3.1 1 K
Mark Whitty 3.1 1 v
guillermo chiaway 3.1 1 u
Calvin Thomas 3.1 1 p
Joshua Thomas 3.1 1 p
Lee Springer 3.1 1 ef
Don Morrison 3.1 1 W